Deep Pacific Regenerative Dialogues

Deep Pacific Regenerative Dialogues

Going beyond bleating like sheep

The Deep Pacific Regenerative Dialogues are held for one hour every Friday from 11am to 12pm NZDT / 9am to 10am AEDT.

The sessions aim to keep you in touch with your practice by connecting, sharing and dialoguing with other practitioners on a variety of subjects from a living systems perspective. They are designed based on what is emerging and of relevance for the group.

We usually get up to a bakers dozen, with a few die hards and a mix of drop ins. It is free to attend and on a come as you can basis.

When joining for the first time email me first so I can include you in on the weekly email, which lets you know what is happening in that weeks session, and on the calendar invite, which I send out at the beginning of every week.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Day: Fridays

Time: 11am to 12pm NZDT / 9am to 10am AEDT.

Email: Akasadaka if you have any questions or would like to attend